Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Thanks to the few aging hippies left in Antigonish, this gem of a film surprisingly visited our theatre last night. Written in French, based in Iran, and depicted in black and white animation, I feel as cultured as they come. It has everything a movie could ever want: a unique, and well written story line, loads of emotional and physical conflict, relatable and witty characters, a haunting score...not to mention dirty words, sex and nudity.

It is a regular postcolonial bildungsroman with a feminist twist based on a series of graphic novels. I like it so very much.

In the picture, the main character, Marjane, is saying goodbye to her uncle who has been imprisoned (and is about to be executed) for "communist" activity. Frankly, I cried. The cartoon depiction of anguish in Marjane's face was so incredibly real. Then again, I cried during Tarzan.

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