Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wants! GAH.

I want this.

I want a lot of things. In fact, I believe myself to be a professional wanter. Even a wanter of wants! Because...if one did not want anything, one would not have a reason to live. Most of my wants are material - pretty shallow stuff. Does that make me a shallow person? I don't know. Perhaps it depends on the extent to which I act on these shallow wants.

The possibility of fulfilling my wants makes me happy. So I'm a happy girl, even if I want stuff. But there IS a problem. Wants that don't get fulfilled make me sad.

The Bhagavad Gita says the only way we can truly be free is to rid ourselves of desire. That way we are never disappointed. We will be happy with whatever comes our way and accept it.

Frig, that would be hard.

1 comment:

Everyone's Vision said...

Remember that wanting to be happy is still a desire, and thus when we have reached moksha any reason to desire will have left because we already are happy. If we have nothing to want that is because we already have everything - even happiness.